Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Benedicks Changing views on Love in Much Ado about Nothing :: essays research papers

Throughout Act one and two, benedick repeatedly says that he will never love a woman or get married. At some stage in the duration of the play his mindset changes. In the end he is head all all over heels in love for Beatrice whom he once quarreled with habitually. The turnabout in his behavior was brought about by the deceiving Claudio and Pedro who indirectly told Benedick that Beatrice loved him.At the beginning, Benedicks attitude is negative towards women in general. He swears he will never marry, as he is very critical of women and does non trust any of them non to cheat on him. He seems to oppose with Beatrice in a competition to outwit, outsmart, and out-insult each other. Obviously he has been in some sort of past race with Beatrice because when he meets her at the masked ball, she describes him as a selfish pig. We can infer that Benedick has some kind of deep feelings for her because after she insults him he is thinned and says, Will your grace command me any servi ce to the worlds end? I will go on the slightest errand now to the Antipodes that you can groom to send me on. I will fetch you a toothpick from the furthest inch of Asia . . . do you any embassage to the pigmies, rather than hold three words conference with this harpy (II.i.229235). This blatantly means that he does not wish to talk to her.When Benedick hears that Claudio has fallen in love for Hero, he is enraged. He thought that Claudio would live a bachelors life like him. Benedick tells him that men who are in love are not masculine. Near the end of Act IV, Benedicks complete change is evident when Benedick chooses love over friendship. Benedick scraps Claudio, previously his closest friend in the world, to duel to the death over Claudios accusation as to Heros unethical behavior. After Beatrice complains to him about Claudios mistake, Benedick gives in, Enough, I am engaged. I will challenge him. At this point, there is no doubt that Benedick has switched his allegiances e ntirely over to Beatrice. But then again, Benedick was relieved that Hero was proved guilty so he would not have to fight his close friend Claudio. On the second wedding day of Hero and Claudio, Benedick showed maturity by not fighting Pedro and Claudio when they teased him about loving Beatrice.

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